GU Tilt & Slide Patio Bogie Wheels 38514

£105.00£131.95excluding VAT

This bogie set can be used as replacement for the older GU 31472 bogies. They will work with the original GU 31472 track, however a new accessory pack will be required.</p

You will have to re-use the metal rod that connects the 2 bogies together, this may need to be cut down slightly to suit the new bogies. You may be able to re-use the centre cover; it depends on the fitted position of the new bogies relative to the old bogies on the door.

Currently no fitting instructions are available. We would advise that only a skilled/experienced person should undertake fitting these parts.

Each pair of bogies is designed to carry a maximum weight of 150KG. They should not be lubricated with oil, as this will attract dirt.

SKU: WW-GUBOGIE Categories: ,


Accessory Pack

Available in white or dark brown, includes side covers, centre clip, bump stop and kick-in keep.

Handing (photo above shows left hand pair of bogie wheels)
Left Hand – Handle on the left of the door viewed from inside the property, door slides open to the right.
Right Hand – Handle on the right of the door viewed from inside the property, door slides open to the left.

With expert fitting knowledge, these bogies along with additional components including a new bottom track can replace Hautau, Roto, SI, Aubi and Maco tilt and slide patio doors. Because of the technical nature of converting a tilt and slide door to work with a different brand we would only recommend a professional repair company undertake this work. We dont offer the track pack on our website, contact us for details.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Bogie Wheels (Pair)

Left Hand, Right Hand

Accessory Pack

White, Dark Brown, Not Required


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